This is a course comprised of two weekends. 

Weekend one which will take place on 8th and 9th June 2024.                                                                                           

Weekend two which will take place on the 19th and 20th of October 2024.

Both weekends will need to be completed for Shamanic Healing Practitioner Certification with the addition of 12 case studies.

During this course you will be working with power animals, drumming, rattling, offering prayer and calling on helping spirits.

You will learn various healing techniques including power animal retrieval and soul retrieval on weekend one. On weekend two you will learn intrusion removal, soul energy release and rattle medicine. 

Soul Retrieval is a form of healing returning our fragmented aspects of self, lost or hidden through trauma and other life experiences that have left us hurt, vulnerable, upset. Most of us have an aspect of ourselves that is lost in some way. By returning these soul parts we are making ourselves whole, more grounded, and more able to feel stable through life’s path.

Soul retrieval is an aspect of shamanic healing known worldwide. This course will be for therapists, sound healers and healing practitioners already working with energies wanting to deepen your work and offer soul retrieval.

COST: £700 for both weekends

College Sound of Healing Accreditation