Crystal Healing Therapy

‘Stress relief in a modern-day world’


Lie back and allow yourself to drift off into a deep state of bliss as you feel the energies of the beautifully healing crystals work their magic. Each crystal vibrates at a certain frequency and has individual properties. Using my natural intuitive abilities, I will determine which crystals are used for your bespoke therapy, depending upon what you need in that moment. Working on many different levels, your energetic system will be clear and aligned, helping you to move forward in life with ease.

75 mins £60.00

“I try to see Rosie once a month for Crystal healing, it is an opportunity for me to rebalance and have a bit of time for me. I love my sessions, the experience is bliss, like floating on a cloud with all my worries taken from me. Quite often things come up that we talk through how to manage them better. Rose is very in tune & intuitive and a calm healing energy to be around.”


Some of the condition’s crystal therapy has helped…

Anxiety, panic attacks, stress, continuous headaches, moving forward emotionally with relationship issues, changing direction in their career, courage to build their business, phobias, self esteem, confidence, wishing to get pregnant, Parkinson’s disease, joint pain, tinnitus, dizziness, empowerment & spiritual awakening.

Helps to move you forward in life physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

Clears mental brain fog and balances, bringing clarity and focus.

Releases energy blockages within the body.

Brightens, lightens and cleans your aura.

Balances and energises your chakras.

Grounds your energy helping you stay present.